P-04-626 De-Trunk the A487 Road Through Penparcau, Trefechan & Aberystwyth Town Centre

Petition wording

We call on the Welsh Government to take all necessary action to initiate the 'De-Trunking' of the A487 (the removal of 'trunk road status") on a specific section of road that runs through the residential and urban communities of Penparcau, Trefechan, and Aberystwyth town centre. This action would encourage the alleviation of traffic congestion and enhance road safety within these communities and town centre, and as a consequence would facilitate wider social, environmental, economic and health & well-being benefits within an area that the Welsh Government has already deemed necessary of significant regeneration investment and support.

Additional Information

Penparcau Community Forum, a community development partnership providing a strong collective voice for the community of Penparcau, are actively campaigning for the section of the A487 road running through Penparcau, Trefechan and Aberystwyth town centre to be removed of its 'Trunk Road' status. This would enable greater local accountability and provide enhanced flexibility for the provision of traffic calming measures and enhancements, which would promote a safer road and environment, and encourage alternative activities such as cycling and walking. The A487 'trunk road' currently runs through Great Darkgate Street, the main shopping street within Aberystwyth town centre, which is part of a Welsh Government, sponsored Strategic Regeneration Area.


Penparcau Community Forum

Lead petitioner   Dylan Jones 

First considered by the Committee:

Number of signatures: 65 online signatures.